• Nieuws

Wintereditie EJCAP online!

De wintereditie van EJCAP staat opnieuw online. Verschillende onderwerpen worden aangesneden door gasteditor David Lloyd, die onlangs nog door SAVAB uitgenodigd werd om de voorjaarsdag te verzorgen.


Surgical approaches to the thorax

Jean-Philippe Billet and Isabelle Testault demonstrate how advances in diagnostic imaging, anaesthesia and analgesia have made thoracic surgery more accessible in small animal veterinary practice.  



Safer rabbit anaesthesia

Rabbit anaesthesia is often regarded as a tricky procedure. Yvonne van Zeeland and Nico Schoemaker provide practical tips and advice on rabbit anaesthesia, with videos on handling, intubation and the reflexes to monitor.



The successful consultation

What makes a consultation successful? Brian Faulkner explains how The Colourful Consultation© model can help vets obtain client satisfaction, financial resolution and team harmony.